Finding Time

My personal studio

I wake up everyday with this feeling…What am I going to do today? There are so many options and sometimes my brain can not focus on what I should focus on. I have recently told that I may have ADD. I think it’s just creative brain…at least that is what I want to believe.

How to prioritize what is important? How do I fit in being creative, personal time, being inspired by seeing other’s art, visiting friends and family, building the biz? Been thinking a lot lately about this, as I now am hiring people to help grow the art center and we realized that we have to get more organized and build systems. What I am coming to realize is that I can prioritize my art. It’s ok, the world will not collapse, that what I do is important. It’s important to me.

I dropped into my studio last night and realized I haven’t even been in my studio in over 2 months. It has become a storage room and I am disappointed. So my goal today is to make a plan to find the time to create. It’s IMPORTANT. Today is the day to believe in ART.


Puppies Grow Up


Sometimes a mess is good